Con salida de video y descontrolr aleatorio por shaking del cuarzo.
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Contiene 2 cacharros alimentados con una pila de 9V cada uno, por un lado un megáfano con body contacts, y 4 pulsadores. Por otro lado un acoplador básico hecho con un altavoz y una escalera de 3 piezos sobre una placa de amplificación básica en la que controlas el volumen con un potenciómetro.
Ambos usan los speakers de 2 megáfonos .Montado sobre un portarevistas, del que se usan 2 de las patas para el body contact, también se han reciclado los muelles del megáfono para hacer efectos electroacústicos.
Representa muy bien la simbiosis entre Alg-a Lab y Dio3Stu
Parte de un Megafono normal (de los que puedes encontrar en una tienda de productos chinos), al que se le graba un sampler (aire, piedra, arbol, archivo) de 8 segundos que se repite en loop. El bending nos permite activarle 4 body-contacts y una resistencia variable (potenciometro) que le cambia la velocidad (a modo de pitch)Montado en una caja de metracrilato transparente para situarlo entre la hierba.
Funciona con una piila de 9V.
Algunas la llaman la máquina del amor .
A MiniPiano 6 €
Watch a video
This is a beat machine. based on a DD-12 Yamaha.
Destroys the original rhythms with many posibilities.
It have a midi connection, so it´s perfect for live concerts.
Various circuits conected. Noise machine.
A Casio SK8. Added pannel with 5 breaks. 18 broken-rhythms.
5 potentiometers for filters.
Here you can listen a rithm composed with this machine.
A Casio SK8. Added pannel with 5 breaks. 18 broken-rhythms.
5 potentiometers for filters.
Here you can listen a rithm composed with this machine.
A one euro pianno. Easy bending incorpored to a tipical portuguese napkin ring.
Noise sounds and random behavior.
MALETÍN PICNIC (Pic-nic sitcase)
Based on a Casio SK1.
Frontal panel with 99 buttons for destroy the original rhythms
21 buttons to manipulate original sounds.
12 contact buttons for breaks & noises.
A Casio PT1 mounted on a salver.
Noise loops. Filters.
A Casio PT1 inside of a maniqui arm.
4 noise buttons. Pitch and sustain.
Here you can listen a song by Os Gru using this machine
A Casio PT1 inside of a maniqui arm.
4 noise buttons. Pitch and sustain.
Here you can listen a song by Os Gru using this machine
A simple pianno with an old pitch potentiometer and rca out.
A children telephone toy.
Pitch and filters. It works also with light variattions
Here you can watch a video of how it works.
A children telephone toy.
Pitch and filters. It works also with light variattions
Here you can watch a video of how it works.
ERIZO (hedgehog)
Circular board connected to a pianno.
Multiple noises & filters.
Multiple rhythmic variations.

Three of the tipical guitars of Dio3Stu.
Body contacts and loops.
Nice switches.
here you can watch how it works.

Nice design guitar with a fan.
It makes diversous modified loops.
Filter and noises.
NODRIZA (Mothership)
Multiple variattions in a Yamaha pianno. Frontal panel.
MEGÁFONOS (Megaphones)
We made various of this.
One of them was called "Examens Finais" (Final exams)
All of them have a sample to manipulate your own voice in a loop.
Also introduce some noises and frecuences.
bending kids computer.
One of the first machines we did.
The battery sistem was really awesom with that sponge.